Occupational Therapists will work with you and your child to build skills that support participation in the activities that matter most to you.

Our Services

To help children build skills in self-care, school participation and play, Theraplay offers a variety of services:

  • OT Assessment

  • OT Treatment

  • Home and School Visits

  • Consultation to Multi-Disciplinary Teams

  • Public Speaking

Theraplay Pediatric Services 51st Street Reception Area

OT Assessment

Occupational Therapy assessment is the process of gathering information about the individual so that treatment can be appropriately focused. Depending on the therapist, the child and the family, assessment can consist of interviews, file reviews, play based activities or formal, standardized evaluation tools. Most assessments consist of pieces of all these factors.

At the completion of assessment the therapist will have a full picture of the child including any difficulties with occupational performance, any sensory integration influences on these difficulties, and other component influences on those difficulties. This information is shared with the parents and from it a treatment plan is designed.

Theraplay Pediatric Services 51st Street OT Assessment Room

OT Treatment

Occupational therapy treatment uses activity (occupation) to help build skills that will help improve occupational performance. With children, this means play! Since children use play as a primary method of learning about the self and the world, OTs use meaningful functional play activities to work toward the therapy goals. Emphasis is on using activities that are intrinsically interesting, motivating and satisfying but shaped in a way that facilitates skill building. When working with children occupational therapy should look like a lot of fun.

At Theraplay, a strong emphasis is placed on self-regulation and social engagement. In addition to looking like fun, occupational therapy should, at Theraplay, look like the child building skills at remaining calm and organized in the face of challenges or uncertainty, and building skills at remaining part of a fluidly shifting dynamic social interaction with the therapist.

When working with adolescents or adults, Theraplay occupational therapists use the same principles, but with activity selections and social interactions designed appropriate to age, interest and developmental level. Because what is fun for a three year old will be different than what is fun for a teen or an adult.

Treatment appointments at Theraplay are forty-five minutes in length, which includes time to transition into and out of the treatment area, and time to de-brief with family following the appointment. Although more frequent treatment appointments have been shown to produce faster results, most families attend Theraplay one appointment every one or two weeks.

At Theraplay we do not issue a report of findings, suggestions or recommendations unless specifically asked by the family. The cost for the service is billed to the family.

Theraplay Pediatric Services Weyburn Treatment Gym

Home and School Visits

Because of the equipment and the specialized environment the Theraplay facility offers, it is the therapists’ preference to conduct occupational therapy treatment in the clinic setting. However, there are times when the clients cannot safely participate in occupational therapy appointments in the clinic. At those times, home based occupational therapy can be arranged. Home based treatment is arranged with the intent of building skills so to support a transition to clinic based treatment.

Theraplay occupational therapists are also available to perform school visits, to observe the client’s function in the school environment, and offer programming suggestions consistent with therapeutic goals to enhance function in that environment.

For both home and school visits, travel time to and from the site is billed at the clinic rate. Additionally, for visits outside Saskatoon, mileage is billed.

Theraplay Pediatric Services Home and School Visits

Consultation to Multi-Disciplinary

Theraplay occupational therapists have experience consulting to multi-disciplinary teams in a variety of settings. The therapists presently consult to school teams (urban, rural and remote communitiess) and autism diagnostic teams. Organizations seeking contract-based occupational therapy service are invited to contact Theraplay to discuss the nature of the desired service.

Public Speaking

Theraplay occupational therapists are available for speaking engagements. Theraplay therapists have experience presenting to large groups on topics ranging from relationship development intervention, basics of sensory integration theory and practice, and implementing sensory strategies into home, community and school settings. Individuals and organizations interested in arranging a speaking engagement are invited to contact Theraplay to discuss the details of the request.

Theraplay Pediatric Services Consultations and Public Speaking Services
Theraplay Pediatric Services Broadway Reception Area

Pediatric Occupational Therapists build on a child’s strengths to design interventions that promote participation in occupations like self-care, school, play and leisure.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.